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Podcast GRIP op AI

I was featured in episode 5 of the podcast GRIP op AI. Together with Matthijs Akkenaar, we discuss the use of AI in skin cancer detection, but also the future of AI in healthcare.

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UToday: Als een dolle stier de zorg efficiënter maken

UToday wrote an in-depth article about me as a result of being nominated FD Talent 2024. The article covers my work at Radboudumc, where we’re developing an AI system aimed at diagnosing basal cell carcinoma, and also a bit about my personal life. The article is in Dutch and you can read more about it here.

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Dutch FD Talent 2024

In 2024 I was featured by Het Financieele Dagblad as one of the Netherlands’ top 50 talents. The magazine’s feature came with a tour of the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot and an event attended by Minister Micky Adriaansens, making it memorable. The event was not just an occasion for celebration but a melting pot of inspiration, where I had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with many remarkable individuals. The magazine covered my work at Radboudumc, where we’re tackling healthcare challenges by developing an AI system aimed at diagnosing basal cell carcinoma....

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Artificial intelligence supports Mohs surgery

ICT Health wrote an article about our advancements in AI assistance during Mohs surgery for dermatology. In collaboration with Lisa Hillen and Klara Mosterd from Maastricht UMC+, we’ve developed an AI algorithm aimed at enhancing the diagnostic process in Mohs surgery for Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) treatment. The article is in Dutch and you can read more about it here. The algorithm is based on this publication

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Meeting King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

During the 100th anniversary of the Radboud University I was one of the few lucky to present my research to King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands. Alongside colleagues Geert Litjens, Nadieh Khalili, we delved into the field of Artificial Intelligence. Our conversation underscored that developing AI for humans involves intricate ties between social sciences, medical research, and technology. It’s crucial for all of us to think beyond our specializations and to embrace insights from diverse fields....