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LaTeX in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) on macOS

When writing my thesis, I found Overleaf to be a bit too minimalistic for managing a large project such as a PhD Thesis. Installing LaTeX in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) really helped me to work in a modern, customizable text editor. In this post, we’ll go through the process of installing LaTeX on macOS using Homebrew, configuring VSCode with LaTeX Workshop, and syncing with Overleaf for collaborative writing and reviewing. Please note that the LaTeX installation can take a while, since updating and downloading packages can be time-consuming....

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Remote software development with VSCode and Docker Compose

Modern software development often requires us to juggle multiple services and environments. When you add the constraint of sensitive data or specific hardware requirements, this complexity can grow. Fortunately, tools like VSCode, Docker, and SSH are here to simplify our lives. In this post, we’ll walk through setting up a development environment that leverages a virtual machine (VM) remotely, providing both security and flexibility.

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Millions of cells in Pathology Images: calculating cell density

We all know that digital pathology demands efficient handling of large-scale images. However, I hadn’t anticipated that the sheer volume of cell detections would significantly impact the performance of my cell density calculations within these images. This article combines the ease of WholeSlideData, shapely, rasterio, and geopandas to achieve this in a fast and simple way.

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Website Analytics with Umami, Netlify and a self-hosted database.

Umami is a sleek, open-source analytics tool that provides an alternative to mainstream solutions like Google Analytics. Its simplicity and transparency make it a preferred choice for those wary of the intricacies and potential privacy concerns associated with bigger platforms.

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Journey to Optimized Images: Hugo, Decap CMS, and Page Bundles

This turned out to be an unexpected long journey. It all began when I realized that my website images weren’t optimized as I had expected. I had been relying on the PaperMod and PaperModX themes in Hugo to handle image optimization. Everything seemed to be in place, but my images were still bulky and slow to load. The problem was evident, but the cause? Not so much.