GitHub Logo

Enhancing Your Hugo Blog: Embedding GitHub Repositories

I code a lot, and GitHub is where I share my work. But I wanted to take it a step further and feature my projects on my own website, as you can see on my main page. If you’re in the same boat and want to showcase your GitHub repositories on your Hugo blog, have a look at this article. We’ll explore two straightforward ways to make it happen.

Docker Logo

Dockerized Backup and Restore System for Home Directory

In this article, I’ll guide you through creating a Docker-based system for backing up and restoring your /home/user directory, storing backups on a mounted HDD, and implementing a 30-day data retention policy. Later, we will discuss how to automate this backup process using crontab.

MariaDB Logo

Automating MariaDB Backups in Docker with a Shell Script

Backing up your data regularly is essential, especially for critical applications like Home Assistant running MariaDB in a Docker container. This article will guide you through creating scripts that automate the backup and restoration processes, designed to be flexible by accepting arguments for the password and paths.